29 December 2010






05 December 2010


Sometimes there are things that we cant control...
as those things are sometimes just out of control...

sometimes there are things that we lose control...
as those things are sometimes losing their mind...

the needed in understanding is important...
as to control the things that we know is important...

the needed in persuading is important...
as to compliment that we know is a must...

the reason why is its all about courtesy...
courtesy about the things that we can and cant control..
and also,
courtesy about the importance that we know about...

23 November 2010


its not enough,
as forgiveness is come from the heart

its not enough,
as if it was not sincere come from the heart

its might be just nice
if people realize forgetting the wrong doing is more than enough
rather than
hate and never be true to your own and others.

12 November 2010

Choice, choices & choosing

How hard it could be???
u have a choice
to be choose...

How pain it would be???
u have choices
to be chosen...

How matter it could be???
u have the right in choosing
to be choose,
to be chosen,
before it been choosing...

11 November 2010

Life at Stakes...

Dont know the way, yet...
nevertheless have draw it, before...
however, it is unsure, maybe...

Dont feel any feeling at love, death...
in contrast fell in love, pain...
but, to fight for love, happiness...

Dont want to hurt, perhaps...
although it seem not like that, maybe...
however, be a candle to others, hope so...


Aku makin jauh dariMu...erm...

08 November 2010

I'm sorry

I'm sorry for
the trouble that i have cause u

I'm sorry for
not try to forgive u
but now i do

I'm sorry for
not fall in love with u before this
but now i do

I'm sorry for
everything that i have done to u

03 November 2010


It's empty now.
try to refresh everything,

Its zero,
try to search.

Its stop,
none and nothing again.,

Its begin again,
from the start,
get the heart a seal
once again its comes,
dont have to cry
as it wont happen again,

a wish,
hope it could last long this time,
as it will be more memorable
where to find it,

as its empty now.

29 October 2010

My life, live and lively...

Only if i know and only if i realize...
too far and too close...
the distance and the story...
search between rainbow and cloud...

pray for me, them and others...
find the way to back...
as time too short and blues...
often the dream defeat the reality...

last word...
think positive...
never look back...
be the one that u should...

don't ever cry on what choices u have made as it never solve it unless u walk trough it proudly...

12 October 2010

cuba, mencuba, & cubaan

hari aku cuba untuk sabar,
kerana kesabaran aku hampir hilang,
biar pun aku mencuba untuk biarkan ia berlalu,
namun, kesabaran itu semakin pudar untuk menanti ia berlalu pergi..
tapi, akhirnya aku sedar,
ini adlah cubaan untukku,
dalam menilai yang mana baik & buruk,
agar dapat kutempuhi masa-masa akan datang dengan hati yang lebih tenang, insyaAllah...

10 October 2010


kadang-kadang terfikirkan apa itu cinta, yang pasti tiada istilah couple dlm islam....kusedar, namun kutiada usaha kearah itu..erm, berlandaskan alasan masih belajar, ternyata diri ini masih mengejar duniawi....ingin kuputuskan, namun hati ini terlalu rapuh dalam menyatakan nya....ntah la, sampai bila diri ini perlu begini...

pernah juga dan berkali kukatakan jika benar menyintai ku, jumpalah orang tuaku, sekiranya mereka merestui, kujuga begitu, sekiranya tidak, maaf, mungkin ada wanita yang lebih untukmu...tetapi, masih tiada apa, diriku ditinggal tanpa ada apa2 jawapan...

kini, mungkin cinta baru wujud, alhamdulillah, dia menginginkan suatu hubungan yang lebih kukuh, perkahwinan, tetapi, kerana kewangan yang masih belum mencukupi, kutangguhkan dulu, ntah la, hubungan ini menjadi seperti hubungan yang lain, ingin kunyata betapa aku tidak menyetujuinya, aku kalah, kerana dia ternyata lebih matang dalam hal ni, kerana dia lebih menjaga ku, erti kata lain, betapa cemburunya dia....

akhir sekali, aku hanya inginkan cinta-Nya, aku masih mencari jalan pulang tetapi, malangnya, aku tidak berusaha mencari cahaya agar dapat kupulang, erm...mungkin benar, jika niat sahaja tanpa usaha, tidak kemana...insyaAllah aku akan cuba untuk menperbaiki niat kusetiap hari.;...

04 October 2010

Friendship & love

love and friendship,
both come together,
but, when love comes,
dont forget about friendship,

love comes and go,
but not friendship,
to those who are in love,
appreciate ur friends today
as, u gonna need them,
when ur love is fade away...

02 October 2010


Allhamdulillah, today is going just nice, as everyone cooperate just nice...
although before we get the end result, something happen
n before that lot of thing happen
this is not the end of me....

its not easy to make others satisfied
it easy to make others hurt
although sometimes it never across in our mind to do so...

overall, manage to make others happy
n today also is our 'kenangan terindah'
and lots of sory, because, after i might be not will be there to see all of u 'grow up'

24 September 2010

Selamat sejahtera sayang

Apa yang abang nak dari sayang sebenarnya??? ke abang cuma naik main2 je dengan sayang???? bila sayang call abang tak pernah angkat, bila sayang marah, ada je alasan abang yang membuatkan sayang selalu kalah. Bila sayang mesej, abang tak pernah balas kalau balas pun, macam tu je la, macam terpaksa je....
bila sayang tanya, abang kata sayang mengungkit, abang tolong la, lau betul abang ikhlas dan jujur, buktikan, jumpa mak ayah sayang, kita kenal bukan semalam dah dua tahun bang, nak tunggu apa??? tunggu abang dah betul2 tua baru nak kahwin??? sampai bila???

sayang dah cakapkan sayang tak nak apa2, cukup lah kejujuran dan kepercayaan abang pada sayang...mengenai perancangan abang tu, sayang turutkan juga, walaupun sayang masih nak belajar, sayang tau abang mampu tanggung semua, tapi sayang tak nak la bergantung pada abang sorang, sayang malu, sayang tak nak orang kata sayang nak harta abang je,.tapi, bila sayang dah setuju, abang main tarik tali plak...apa ni, tolong la jangan buat sayang macam ni...

abang andai sayang tak cukup sempurna tuk abang, sayang minta maaf dan sayang minta abang bantu sayang tuk jadi seorang isteri yang baik tuk abang,..

21 September 2010

Asalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera, Greetings, Peace be Upon You...

Let the love the live life although for some people there is no need of love as they have been hurt by the experience...although there is like the end of life but love is something that everyone need in their heart no matter how hurt love could be...love comes in many forms even we never realize we actually has love in deep of our heart and the way we express or fall in love is different...

love could be hurt as it make ones to feel betrayed with the trust that has been given and also love could make someone who never believe there is love to fall in hope that love will last forever...love could be played with our heart as common say love is blind, but, there is no blindness in love as long as someone really know why they are fall in love...

for my love story, it could never be better with anyone else as i have to work hard and think more than once in ensuring every step that i take is worth....until now i still search for the right meaning of love as 1st i never love my Creator with full of my heart, 2nd the love that i need is maybe to far to be reach and 3rd love is only for those who willing to feel it with their heart and take it as one of their part of life...

i still searching the love of my Creator without any effort other than cry and regret of everything, which, until now i try to deny every love that come to be with me...i still find the person who could bring me to Him although i realize i the one who have to bring myself to Him and last, i just only hope that His love will come to me even though i know that His love is only for those who seek for Him...

the overall ingredients is, to get any love that you want is to effort it, run for it & grab it but not just hope, sit & do nothing....so, i hope anyone who read this please pray for me that i will find my Creator and close to Him as there is no love that more great than His love...

20 June 2010

1st TIME....

Apa aku buat ni, ingat nak mula berkarya balik, tapi tu la, idea tak ada lagi ni..sekarang dah jam 4:50 pagi dah, tapi tak ada apa pun yang kuar ni..huhu…tau la dah lama aku tak wat karya maha agung kan, tapi tak kan la sampai masanya, idea tak nak mencurah-curah ke ladang gandum…ngah sibuk cari idea disebalik timbunan wayar-wayar otak ini, tiba-tiba…

“Korang wat je masa kat luar tadi?” Kak Thirah terjaga and tanya soalan tu kat aku..huh..terkejut…tapi wat bodoh sudah..aku pun jawab…
“Oh, tak ada wat apa-apa pun, teman T-rex, jalan-jalan, pastu online.”
“Abis tu duduk kat mana?”
“Duk kat McD”
“Kedai-kedai tak ada yang bukak ke, cam kedai runcit ke….”
“Tak, dah tak bukak dah, tutup awal, KFC dengan McD je yang bukak.”
“Kenapa? Kak Thirah nak makan ke?”
“Eh, tak la, tanya je.”

Begitulah dialog antara kudengan wife-to-be orang tua…erm..biasa la kan, perempuan, mudah terjaga…aku plak masih tak boleh nak tido lagi..walaupun jam dah menunjukkan lagi empat minit ke pukul 5 pagi..erm…tak tau la kenapa sejak akhir-akhir ni susah nak tido, walaupun dah ngantuk tapi masih tak nak tido..huhu…

Sepatutnya kitaorang dah selamat sampai ke rumah dah, tapi disebabkan ada hal, terpaksa overnight kat luar and tunggu esok pagi..huhu…tak pa la, salah aku gak kan…along, sorry ye, sebab orang plan nak balik ni tergendala,..

Memandangkan tak ada yang mengalir cam sungai Nil yang suci tu, aku wat apa-apa yang patut je la, sambil menanti bateri laptop ni low. Bile tengok T-rex tido nyenyak, jelesnya, nak tido gak, tak apa la nak masuk tido dah ni, balik nanti je la aku sambung cari idea untuk hidupkan karya aku ni…wah! Rindunya nak menulis kembali..harap-harapnya cuti sem nanti dapat la aku wat sebuah cerpen yang asli..huhu…serik dah nak wat cerita yang tajuk nya sama dengan sebuah novel…huhu..
K la, selamat malam untuk semua….nanti kan hasil karya aku nanti k, and jangan la segan tuk membaca dan memberikan komen seikhlas hati k…asalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera…^_^

16 May 2010

Expectation of others

Topic: what will happen if people has lower expectations of you?

in my opinions, if poeple has lower expectation towards me, i think it's not the end of the world as i would take is as a challange in educate me that not all people is please is everything that i do. besides that, i would work hard in proving that they are so wrong in put a low expectation as they have judge the wrong book.

furthermore, to put others in lower expectation is like u put your own self into it as they could not stand the fact that they actually the one who need help. it is because these people are actually just being jealous of what we have.

last but not least, we should not be afraid of being looking like that as we know who we are and the capable that we have. the main important thing is sooner or later we would prove to them that we actually have a very high spirit and determine in do every job that has been assign to us although sometimes we have prove what they are see in us is true...

Argue Clinic

Topic: what if we have argue clinic and how thus this impact the citizens

in my opinion if we have argue clinic, i think i will have a great impact to the citizens as it most probably will those who in problem of expressing their own anger to the assistant at they also has been trained in helping the patient.

besides that, for me it could prevent them from release the anger toward somebody that does not do anything wrong to that particular person. as in would decrease the number of violence these day

furthermore, for me it's a totally new alternative in helping those who has problem in controling their feeling that later on perhaps could help them in expressing their thought in better way.

however, this argue clinic also might bring negative impact as they will no longer seek for the help of friends. as friends is always there when a friend need their help and opinion. although sometimes it does not really help in solving the problem, the person would realise that, they still have support from the beloved one.

in addition, people also will be to dependent to the argue clinic in solving their problem as they will put a mind set where, "it's ok if got expression problem, the argue clinic will solve it for me." it is because, they will no longer think of a way/s in solving their own problem without asking others in figure it out for them while they just sit back and relax...

nevertheless, everything that ever being created by man has thier own reason behind it. it up to us where we want to put the inventions as either it as helpers only or as their new worship intrument as they no longer realise the main reason way invention is created is to reduce the burden that everyone hold.

20 February 2010

Debate - There is no Honest Person these days (12/02/10)

Topic: there is no honest person these days

Support: there is no honest person
Against: there is honest person

the speaker for the agaisnt state that there is still honest person and one example is Cik Hjh Naimah (our H.E.P) he state that Cik Hjh Naimah is honest as she tell nothing but the truth to the students especially about the rule which she very determined about it. other than that, he aslo state that MPP also being honest by trying to help student in loosens about the rule but, it only move a little. Furthermore, they also agree that the prophet is honest in all kind. however, this P.O.V has been rejected as prophet is truly honest as they is 'maksum' or people who will never tell lie. second last of their points is they state that teacher is honest is giving out the knowledge, in teaching them and in guide them in choosing the right path in life. last but not least, the true happiness in life is being honest. although the point is a bit walk away from the topic but they main idea what she trying to say is if people are being honest, there will be no worry as happiness will come although sometimes honest could be dangerous.

nevertheless, the supporters also come out with strong arguement as their P.O.V are Cik Naimah is being honest because it her duty to ensure that all student to follow the rule as she as their head which if she does not the leader maybe she would tell a lie. besides that, MPP is actually not being honest as they never try to help, they actually follow the head which has cause them to hate by most of the student as they knew the MPP does not really work that hard in redempt their right especially the rule of outing. in addition, they questioning for those who wanted to be honest but afraid of being cast away and they also state that if they have the heart to say something that is really honest and yet it could break the heart of the person.

in my opinion, to be honest or not is actually up to us as we are the one who created our own path and also our own way of life as if we are being spoiled, it's our fault as we the one who does not resist the temptation of being spoiled by others although we realise that we are too spoiled...

Debate - Aliens does Exist (10/02/10)

Topic: Aliens Does Exist

Support : Aliens Does Exist
Against: Aliens Does Not Exist


in the first round both parties presented thier P.O.V about this topic and their P.O.V are:-

the first parties, the supporters, they said that they have proof tp prove that aliens does exist, they bring to class the web site that contain the proof that support thier argument that aliens does exist, besides that, they also state that there were history of where pilot actually has seen one which strengthen thier evidence in proving that aliens exist. furthermore, there is relevant smoke or shadow (as they said that) besides there is lots of logical thinking like anything is impossible and last but not least the group said if there is God and why there is isn't aliens?

on the contrary, the against one state as follows, there is still blurry about this alien thing as there is no proof or theories or science in proving that aliens is actually exist. in addition, they said that there is no success experiment and no actual record and activity as it is actually an illogical thingking which it occur by human imagination and it been created by man..

in my opinion, this topic it would be parhaps the hottest topic, if they presented it well as they debate on something that is quite immpossible to be prove right or wrong as before this human itself has debated either this alien is really exist or not..it is because as far as knowlegde it has been known that only Earth has living thing that live in it and other planet, it just a beautiful creature that has been created by it's creator...

last but not least, for me, everything it's not impossible as the birth of the world which there is no exact day when it's been created and how the world function as we never see a hand who run it and rule it...

Debate - We are Happy as We can be (10/02/10)

For our second class of CL, the next lucky group which debate their topic is "we are happy as we can be" and the group is consist of Sitinur Liyana, Ain Nadira, Nik Amirah Hamiza and last but not least Faris. The group or a.k.a panel A, support the statement as they has come with interesting ideas.

The first idea or proposition is the love of family and sibling that make them happy. Where they said that when there is family around you, we will feel happy as we know the peolpe that we care is around us and at the same time, they also said that we can be happy with the close-bond with each other. Second proposition is we can be happy as we are when we lead a good life which consist of the experience of life, by having an ambition and the example that they give is through the series of wonder pet as it happy together by do all the work together as the tagline for wonder pet is 'co-operation'. Last but not least, the third and last proposition is when we can go to shopping and buy food, we also can be happy as we can be, not, forgoten, perfect in everything as they explain that people who are 100% are not disable is really happy and they also claim that if we are healthy we could do lots of work and many other thing

however, panel B (ashila, afiqah, and farihin) state that we cannot be happy as we are and the points are how they can be happy if they come from broken family plus in a family instituition although the siblings are close-bond but, they actually are not that really freindly with each other. and nobody perfect, so, how they want to be happy if they has lost one arm. Besides that, if there is not enough basic need, do they will really happy as they can be. Second last proposition is there is no happiness if there is no education and last but not least, could we just enjoy or happy with our life if the patern of our life is poor and misery.

In my opinion, both panel has try their best to show who point is better, however, there is only one winner and the winner is panel B as they focus more on the world outside not just themselves compare to panel A. I think this is the first debate in class that is actually look like one although the smoothness of the debate not that really smooth, overall, both panels know where they stand.

Last but not least, although that the debate is only in class, however, the situation is bit different as the panels has the aura of being a debaters of state the right with out feel distract or start to pull over from the point that they have stand for earlier...

29 January 2010

The Rule of Ten (video)

The last class that I entered is we learn about the rest of the rule of ten and this time the usage of learning is based on the video that Sir Mark has choose and all the video is practically easy to understand and all of us has been asked to comment or think about the video thah he has showed to us.

And for today blog, he asked us to give a comment about one of the video that has been showed. The video is about a man who call a security company to talk to the boss trough the receptionist. However, the lady (the receptionist) ask Larry (the man) why he want to talk to the boss but, Larry does not want tell the lady as he claim it between the boss and him. Until Larry finally hung up and he still don't want to tell what he want with the boss.

In my opinion, what Larry did is right as a client he just want to share any problem with the boss not with the receptionist. However, the receptionist has to ask as it one of her duty as she has to make sure that any phone calls that go through her is not a prank call. besides, she is paid for that, if she does not do her job properly, I believe others will replace her.

Nevertheless, I guess Larry should see the boss personally if he does not want any one to know about is as he could talk to the boss face-to-face. Besides, he also don't have to worry about the receptionist asking him what he want with the boss. Although, the process might take a long time where he has to make an appoinment first and confirm it before he could see the boss but, I think it worth unless he actually call just for a useless thing.

The Rule of Ten (superstition)

"TIPS of CONTROLLING SADNESS ARE PATIENTS, PACE yourself and PROUD of who you are INCLUDING a nice VACATION for yourself"

The word above is about the rule of ten that I learn in my previous class which are stands for Topic, Content, Source, Audience, The rhetorical function, Purpose, Perspective, Positioning, Impact and Visual literacy. The rule of ten is used when us want to comment or criticize an opinion or article. In my opinion, it is a very good step where it teach us how to make perhaps a very good comment or criticize on something.

In the class, the example that Sir Mark use is superstition. Where all of us has been asked to choose any superstition that we know and write a comment about it. The superstition that I choose is "If a black cat jump over a dead body, the corpse will 'alive' again. We learn on how to built a topic based on the title that we choose and it's better if we make a general statement before we go to other part of the title.

It's really interesting as we learn how to make a better comment as compared before this. I'm not saying that we are not that really learning before this but, with this rule of ten make me more understand on how to make better comment on something. Besides, I could understand more as we choose our own title as it make us more understand about what we are trying to learn that day.

When we move to content, we has been asked to not just rephrase the title but perhaps to make a new statement based on the title that we have choose earlier. So, it something like this, "Many old folks believe that if a black cat jump over a corpse, the corpse will come back to live". After that, we go to the next part, source, where we should state where we know about the title and after we have identify the source, we think about who is the audience.

Second last, we think of one or more about the rhetorical function about what are the reason why the superstition exist and last but not least, the purpose of why the superstition is exist or being told by the elders. With the help of the rule of ten, I believe that it could help me in built a good comment on an article later on.

*22 Jan 2010 : Friday

11 January 2010

Introduction of Critical Literacy (CL) - COM 2533

Critical Literacy (CL), in my opinion quite interesting topic to be learn about. Although I like to think about something but maybe not deeper like CL. Anyway I can't wait to learn more about it, perhaps it could change the way I see the world. Today learning is about the origins of it where it comes from Roger Sperry. However, another origins is from ancient Greek as Socrates make the first start of math instead of believing the Gods of the moon and the sun at that time. It really new to me as I never thought that before we could go down deeper about something it quite essential (I guess) to know about it history.
* * * * * *
Another interesting topic today is the learning of how we should use our left and right brain appropriately. The way it been describe is in interesting way through story and ask for others opinion on how to differentiate how to using left and right brain properly. Both left and right brain functions are different so if one people does not use both equally, they may turns out to be two different people with two different identity which in result may make both party either fell apart or friends.
* * * * * *
*all the words that I have type here is based on my understanding of what I have learn in my class today so, any wrong information is truly sorry.